Project Matchbox
This is a collaboration with the viewer. Each participant becomes an artist too.
What are they? They are a catalyst for solidarity. There are 14 matchboxes traveling the world. They are passed on after some time to the next person - whomever that may be… more information below.
Blog of what is happening – Wednesday, November 3, 2021:
"Keeping the hope"
Japan & Taiwan: I have not heard from anyone in months
USA and Canada: I have not heard from anyone in months
last was from Paul...
The best was a noter from Paul T.
"Guten tag frau Mag!
The craziest thing happened with your artwork. I had the matchbox on my fireplace mantle and one day the bee hopped up and started to fly around! It flew from window to window looking to escape into the free air until I stealthily coaxed it into my palm with a dab of sweet amber honey. After the little guy had his fill he decided to take a short power nap. I seized my opportunity, grabbed my tweezers and superglue, and attempted to hitch Mr Bumbles securely back to his post. The shock of the cold tweezers awoken him and a struggle ensued. But alas, I won, but not before he managed to fully rotate his nimble little yellow torso to defiantly face away from his miniature briefcase carrying accountants stare moments before the glue cured.
Unfortunately I had to close the matchbox case for the next few days because of Mr Bumbles unrelenting complaining. Something about needing to go serve his queen…I don’t know, I’m not fluent in bee linguistics.
So… thats exactly how the little bombus lapidarius ended up facing the other way.
True story."
Ireland, Scotland and England: I have not heard from anyone in months
Europe: ... and I have not heard from anyone in months
Heading 6
What are they?
These are little worlds in Matchboxes. They are free pocket art to be shared. On the back of each box is a text like this:
“I am free art to be shared. If you have me, keep me for 7 days. During that time, please send the artist an email to her website stating who I am (#), where you are with me and the dates you have me (photos too). After 7 days please give me to another person.
私は自由な芸術です。私を7日間保管してください。その間、アーティストに私のタイトルき、あなたの住んでいる場所、私がいた期間(写真)をメールで送ってください。 7日後、他の人に私を渡してください。私は共有されるポケットアートです。
This project is based on the idea that art should not be owned, but shared and free. It is analogue, but can only function digitally through the internet. It functions through solidarity and cooperation - things that I see a lack of today in the general society I find myself in.
If you have received a matchbox, during this time you are to register on this site where you are and either mail me a photo of you and the matchbox or the matchbox in a place you like to be. I will create a map with the information you send me so that you will be able to follow your temporary art as it travels through space and time. It will be regularly updated.
**If you can donate to this project, or would like to send me something instead of money, let me know per email and we will work out the details. >contact/register matchbox here!<